RS41 GRUAN Data Product Version 1

RS41-GDP.1 -- Certified GDP

DOI for scientific and technical data



Sommer, M.; von Rohden, C.; Simeonov, T.; Dirksen, R.; Fiedler-Krüger, M.; Friedrich, H.; Körner, S.; Naebert, T.; Oelsner, P.; Tietz, R. (2022): RS41 GRUAN Data Product Version 1 (RS41-GDP.1). GRUAN Lead Centre (DWD),


GRUAN Lead Centre (at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD))

Publication year


Creators / Authors

Sommer, Michael (1); von Rohden, Christoph (1); Simeonov, Tzvetan (1); Dirksen, Ruud (1); Fiedler-Krüger, Marion (1); Friedrich, Helge (1); Körner, Susanne (1); Naebert, Tatjana (1); Oelsner, Peter (1); Tietz, Rico (1)

(1) GRUAN Lead Centre, Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Am Observatorium 12, 15848 Tauche/Lindenberg, Germany

Description / Summary

This dataset comprises reference radiosoundings performed with the Vaisala RS41 radiosonde including subtypes with and without pressure sensor. Reference, in this case, means:

  • correction for all known biases,
  • best possible vertically resolved uncertainty estimates,
  • well-documented correction algorithms,
  • extensive collection of metadata.

The GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) data processing (GDP) for the Vaisala RS41 radiosonde was developed to meet these reference criteria. The algorithms of the RS41-GDP in version 1 include corrections of the raw calibrated data for systematic errors in measurements of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction. The corrections for the most important systematic errors (solar radiative warming of the temperature sensor and increased response time of the humidity sensor at low temperature) are based on extensive laboratory experiments. GRUAN sounding operation includes all manufacturer-prescribed ground checks. Additionally, pre-launch checks using the Standard Humidity Chamber (SHC) are routinely performed in GRUAN, the results of  which are however not used for recalibrations or corrections but contribute to the uncertainty budget.

Measurement uncertainties are estimated at the vertical resolution of the measured data. For each main variable, overall uncertainties are given as combinations of individual components using common uncertainty propagation. As a new approach, each of these individual components is assigned one of the three following correlation properties: uncorrelated, spatially correlated, or temporally correlated. This is done comprehensively in the sense that the uncertainties resulting from the combination of the correlated components are consistent with the overall uncertainties that are calculated in the conventional uncertainty evaluation. This facilitates the user to take correlations in uncertainty analyses into account.

The RS41 is in use in GRUAN since late 2014 and is currently launched regularly at 22 sites. As such it is the backbone of radiosounding activities within the network.






226.9 GiB (2022-12-22), increasing

Peer-reviewed Articles

von Rohden 2022: von Rohden, C., Sommer, M., Naebert, T., Motuz, V., and Dirksen, R. J.: Laboratory characterisation of the radiation temperature error of radiosondes and its application to the GRUAN data processing for the Vaisala RS41, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 383–405,, 2022.

User documentation

GRUAN-TD-8: Michael Sommer, Christoph von Rohden, Tzvetan Simeonov, Peter Oelsner, Tatjana Naebert, Gonzague Romanens, Hannu Jauhiainen, Petteri Survo, Ruud Dirksen (2023): GRUAN characterisation and data processing of the Vaisala RS41 radiosonde. GRUAN Lead Centre, GRUAN Technical Document 8 (GRUAN-TD-8), v1.0.0 (2023-06-28).

GRUAN-TN-13: Michael Sommer, Christoph von Rohden, Tzvetan Simeonov (2022): User Guide for the RS41 GRUAN Data Product Version 1 (RS41-GDP.1). GRUAN Lead Centre, GRUAN Technical Note 13 (GRUAN-TN-13), v1.0 (2022-11-21).

Spatial and Temporal Coverage (Availability)

  • Availability of GRUAN data product RS41-GDP.1 at GRUAN sites

Dataset includes Vaisala RS41 soundings of following GRUAN sites:

  • BAR - Barrow (US), 2017-09-13 to present
  • BEL - Beltsville (US), 2016-12-09 to present
  • BOU - Boulder (US), 2017-01-04 to present
  • CAB - Cabauw (NL), 2017-05-11 to present
  • DAR - Darwin (AU), 2018-06 (campaign)
  • GRA - Graciosa (PT), 2018-04-26 to present
  • GVN - Neumayer, Antarctica (DE), 2020-02-18 to present
  • HKO - Hong Kong (CN), 2020-10-09 to present
  • LAU - Lauder (NZ), 2015-11-04 to present
  • LIN - Lindenberg (DE), 2014-12-09 to present
  • NYA - Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (DE, FR), 2015-03-29 to present
  • PAY - Payerne (CH), 2014-08-12 to present
  • PMO - Paramaribo (SR), 2019-01-10 to present
  • POT - Potenza (IT), 2016-05-17 to present
  • REU - Reunion (FR), 2015-05 + 2019-01 (campaigns)
  • ROS - Ross Island, Antarctica (NZ, US), 2018-12-01 to present
  • SGP - Lamont (US), 2014-06-03 to present
  • SNG - Singapore (SG), 2016-04-13 to present
  • SOD - Sodankylä (FI), 2017-03-28 to present
  • TAT - Tateno (JP), 2017-10-10 to present
  • TEN - Tenerife (ES), 2017-12-13 to present

Dataset details and ordering

  • Before accessing the data please register yourself on our website.
  • Using GRUAN website: LC
  • Other access options are available upon request.

Other documents

Immler 2010: Immler, F. J.; Dykema, J.; Gardiner, T.; Whiteman, D. N.; Thorne, P. W. and Vömel, H., Reference Quality Upper-Air Measurements: guidance for developing GRUAN data products. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2010, 3, 1217–1231, doi:10.5194/amt-3-1217-2010.

Related Presentations

ICM-14 (Nov/Dec 2022)
ICM-13 (Nov 2021)
EMS2021 (Sep 2021)
  • von Rohden, C., Sommer, M., Naebert, T., and Dirksen, R.: Experiment to quantify the solar radiative temperature error of radiosondes, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6-10 Sep 2021, EMS2021-267,, 2021.
  • Simeonov, T., Dirksen, R., von Rohden, C., and Sommer, M.: Intercomparison of the Vaisala RS92 and RS41 Radiosonde GRUAN Data Products (GDP) in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6-10 Sep 2021, EMS2021-190,, 2021.
EGU21 (Apr 2021)
  • Sommer, M., von Rohden, C., Simeonov, T., and Dirksen, R.: RS41 GRUAN Data Product Version 1 (RS41-GDP.1) - Reference Radiosonde Data for the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6055,, 2021.
  • Simeonov, T., Dirksen, R., von Rohden, C., and Sommer, M.: Intercomparison of the Vaisala RS92 and RS41 Radiosonde GRUAN Data Products (GDP) in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12735,, 2021.
ICM-12 (Nov 2020)
ICM-11 (June 2019)