Review of Operational Requirements for TemperatureSonde Measurements
- ID
- Title
Review of Operational Requirements for Temperature Sonde Measurements
- Authors
David Butterfield and Tom Gardiner
- Last version
v1.0 (2014-05-05)
- Status
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This document draws together the results of a literature review on the operational requirements for temperature measurements made from radiosondes to underpin a global reference network of such measurements. The objective of this review was to bring together the information in the peer-reviewed literature to provide guidance to the GRUAN community on the requirements for sonde temperature measurements, covering aspects such as measurement scheduling, measurement uncertainty, change management and network design.The report is focussed on covering issues relating to climate/trend measurement requirements and does not specifically cover issues relating to satellite calibration / validation or Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP).
- v1.0 (2014-05-05)
M. Sommer [Ed.], Reformatted for publishing → first published version
- 1.0-pre(2014-04-30)
D. Butterfield, Redrafted in response to review comments
- 0.9 (2014-02-11)
M. Sommer [Ed.], Renamed as GRUAN Report 3 – prepared for review process
- 0.8 (2013-12-30)
T. Gardiner, Reformatted as GRUAN Technical Note – first draft
- 0.7 (2013-12-12)
D. Butterfield, First document