GRUAN Monitor MW41 and the Vaisala RS41 Additional Sensor Interface






GRUAN Monitor MW41 and the Vaisala RS41 Additional Sensor Interface


Peter Oelsner and Rico Tietz

Last version

v1.4 (2024-04-11)







This document describes the installation and operation of the GRUAN Monitor MW41 (GM41) software tool release 0.2.2. The GM41 tool displays decoded Xdata protocol frames of several instruments connected to  the RS41 in a web browser. The purpose of GM41 is to verify that certain connected instruments are working properly while sounding preparation and data acquisition during laboratory experiments, and that the recorded data are within expected limits. GM41 is compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 or 10 and the Vaisala MW41 sounding software 2.6 to 2.15. Furthermore the connection of additional sensors with Xdata interface and protocol to the Vaisala RS41 type radiosondes is described as well.


Rev. 1.4 (2024-04-11)

P. Oelsner, R. Tietz, Revision GRUAN Technical Note 8 (GRUAN-TN-8)

Rev. 1.3 (2021-02-18)

P. Oelsner, R. Tietz, Revision GRUAN Technical Note 8 (GRUAN-TN-8)

Rev. 1.2 (2019-06-18)

P. Oelsner, R. Tietz, Revision GRUAN Technical Note 8 (GRUAN-TN-8)

Rev. 1.1 (2019-05-15)

P. Oelsner, R. Tietz, Revision GRUAN Technical Note 8 (GRUAN-TN-8)

V1.0 (2017-03-10)

P. Oelsner, R. Tietz, First published version as GRUAN Technical Note 8 (GRUAN-TN-8), PDF

V0.12 (2017-02-20)

P. Oelsner, R. Tietz, First draft version as GRUAN Technical Note 8 (GRUAN-TN-8) and title GRUAN Monitor MW41



Vaisala, Vaisala DigiCORA Sounding System MW41, Vaisala Oyi, P.O. Box 26 Fl 00421 Helsinki, Finland, 2014, technical Reference, filename M211415EN-J.pdf.

Vaisala, Vaisala Radiosonde RS41 Additional Sensor Interface, Vaisala Oyi, P.O. Box 26 FI 00421Helsinki Finland, 2015, users Guide, filename M211604EN-C.pdf.

Vaisala, Ironpython scripts in the sounding system, Vaisala MW41 v2.6 DVD, 2016a, folder /User-Documentation/Scripting/architecture.htm on MW41 sounding software DVD

Vaisala, Ozone Sounding with Vaisala Radiosonde RS41, Vaisala Oyi, P.O. Box 26 FI 00421 HelsinkiFinland, 2016b, users Guide, filename M211486EN-B.pdf

GRUAN-TN-8: GRUAN Monitor MW41 and the Vaisala RS41 Additional Sensor Interface, P. Oelsner, R. Tietz, First published version as GRUAN Technical Note 8, V1.0 (2017-03-10)