Other publications

GRUAN-related publications



  • Finazzi 2018: Finazzi, F., Fassò, A., Madonna, F., Negri, I., Sun, B., & Rosoldi, M. (2018). Statistical harmonization and uncertainty assessment in the comparison of satellite and radiosonde climate variables. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.05835.


  • Ingleby 2017: Ingleby, B. An Assessment of Different Radiosonde Types 2015/2016; ECMWF Technical Memorandum No. 807; European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts: Reading, UK, 2017. http://www.gaia-clim.eu/system/files/publications/17551-assessment-different-radiosonde-types-20152016.pdf
  • Schröder 2017: Schröder  M.,  Lockhoff  M.,  Shi  L.  August  T.,  Bennartz  R.,  Borbas  E.,  Brogniez  H., Calbet X.,  Crewell  S.,  Eikenberg  S.,  Fell F., Forsythe J.,  Gambacorta  A.,  Graw  K., Ho S.-P., Höschen H., Kinzel J., Kursinski E.R.,  Reale A., Roman J., Scott N., Steinke S., Sun B.,  Trent  T.,  Walther A.,  Willen  U.,  Yang Q.,  2017:  GEWEX  water  vapor  assessment (G-VAP).  WCRP Report 16/2017;  World  Climate  Research  Programme (WCRP):  Geneva, Switzerland; 216 pp.



  • Brogniez 2015: Hélène Brogniez, Stephen English, Jean-Francois Mahfouf. Report on the Joint workshop on uncertainties at 183GHz. [Research Report] LATMOS; ECMWF; Météo-France. 2015. <hal-01213862>