Brief Description of GruanToolRs92 (gt92)
- ID
- Title
Brief Description of GruanToolRs92 (gt92)
- Authors
Michael Sommer
- Last version
v1.0 (2020-10-01)
- Status
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The tool gt92 is a powerful Java-based command-line utility. It was developed at the GRUAN Lead Centre for the daily work and is actively maintained and further developed by the author. It provides possibilities for converting and extracting data-tables and meta-data from several file-types like DC3DB, GNC-RAW, GNC-DATA, MWX, GSFZ, STRATO-ZIP and IGNC-RAW. In addition to these base functionality the tool gt92 has included some more features, e.g. handling and decoding of XData frames, gridding and merging of data tables, test and check files, identify supported file types. An internal batch processing mode is implemented for all main functions of the tool gt92. That means, the tool could e.g. convert hundreds of files with one run. Current version of this brief description is related to version 0.5.x of gt92.
- v1.0 (2020-10-01)
Michael Sommer, First published version as GRUAN Technical Note 11 (GRUAN-TN-11)