An Overview

Site map

Table of sites

CodeNameLatitudeLongitudeAltitudeWMO/WIGOS No.Status
ALCAlice Springs, Australia-23.79°133.89°546 m94326to be certified
BARBarrow, AK, USA71.32°-156.61°8 m70027certified
BELBeltsville, MD, USA39.05°-76.88°53 mcertified
BOUBoulder, CO, USA39.95°-105.20°1743 m72471certified
CABCabauw, Netherlands51.97°4.92°1 m06260certified
Dakar, Senegal14.73°-17.50°25 mto be certified
DARDarwin, Australia-12.43°130.89°30 m94120to be certified
DVSDavis, Antarctica (AU)-68.57°77.97°18 m89571to be certified
DLGDolgoprudny, Russia55.56°37.52°185 m27612to be certified
FAAFaa'a, France-17.55°-149.61°2 m91938to be certified
GRAGraciosa, Portugal39.09°-28.03°30 m0507to be certified
GVNNeumayer, Antarctica (DE)-70.65°-8.25°43 m89002to be certified
HWNHelwan, Egypt29.84°31.33°40 m62378to be certified
HKOHong Kong, China22.30°114.17°32 m45004to be certified
LAULauder, New Zealand-45.05°169.68°370 m93817certified
LINLindenberg, Germany52.21°14.12°98 m10393certified
MAQMacquarie Island, Australia-54.50°158.94°6 m94998to be certified
MANManus, Papua New Guinea-2.06°147.42°6 minactive
MELMelbourne, Australia-37.67°144.83°113 m94866to be certified
MTSMinamitorishima, Japan24.29°153.98°9 m47991to be certified
NAUNauru, Nauru-0.52°166.92°7 minactive
NYANy-Ålesund, Svalbard (DE, FR)78.92°11.93°5 m01004certified
PAYPayerne, Switzerland46.81°6.95°491 m06610certified
PMOParamaribo, Suriname5.81°-55.21°4 m0-20008-0-PMOto be certified
POTPotenza, Italy40.60°15.72°720 m0-20008-0-POTcertified
REULa Réunion, France-20.89°55.49°13 to 2200 m61980to be certified
ROSRoss Island, Antarctica (NZ, US)-77.85°166.65°10 to 200 m89664 / 89665certified
SGPLamont, OK, USA36.60°-97.49°320 m74646certified
SNGSingapore, Singapore1.30°103.80°21 m48698certified
SODSodankylä, Finland67.37°26.63°179 m02836certified
SYOSyowa, Antarctica (JP)-69.00°39.58°22 m89532to be certified
TATTateno, Japan36.06°140.13°27 m47646certified
TENTenerife, Spain28.32°-16.38°115 m60018to be certified
TRPTrappes Palaiseau, France48.7°2.2°156 m07151to be certified
XILXilin Hot, China43.95°116.12°1013 m54102to be certified

Task Team on Site Intercommunication and Reporting

Co-chairs: Richard Querel & Ankie Piters

Representing GRUAN sites

The task team on site intercommunication and reporting exists to provide and maintain a convenient mechanism for each GRUAN site to communicate with other sites, the WG-GRUAN and the Lead Centre, and for the WG-GRUAN and Lead Centre to disseminate information to all GRUAN sites through their task team representative.  Each site is encouraged to have one representative on this task team and if possible, to provide other task teams with knowledgeable members such that each site has wide-ranging representation within GRUAN. The task team on site intercommunication and reporting should include a shared member from the task team on measurement schedules, preferably from an institution/program that is under-represented within GRUAN, so that each task team is promptly informed about any recent activities of the other.

The success of GRUAN is critically dependent on the efficiency of communication between sites, the WG-GRUAN and the Lead Centre.  Sites experiencing problems, concerns, breakthroughs in best practices and/or important discoveries are expected to initially communicate these to the task team on site representation.  After internal discussion, the task team will communicate this information to the appropriate GRUAN representatives.