Review of Multiple-payload Radiosonde Sounding Configurations for Determining Best-Practice Guidance for GRUAN Sites
- ID
- Title
Review of Multiple-payload Radiosonde Sounding Configurations for Determining Best-Practice Guidance for GRUAN Sites
- Authors
Hannu Jauhiainen, Masatomo Fujiwara, Rolf Philipona, Ruud Dirksen, Dale F. Hurst, Rigel Kivi, Holger Vömel, Belay Demoz, Nobuhiko Kizu, Tim Oakley, Kensaku Shimizu, Marion Maturilli, Thierry Leblanc, Fabio Madonna, and Richard Querel
- Last version
v1.0 (2019-01-25)
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Various rigging configurations for multiple-payload radiosonde soundings have been used when characterizing different radiosonde instruments, when changing the radiosonde model at operational radiosonde sites or when flying specially developed scientific sensors together with a radiosonde. This paper describes such rigging configurations currently in use at sites of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) or having been used during recent international radiosonde intercomparison campaigns. The advantages and potential issues for each configuration are discussed in detail. Though it is difficult to provide one single recommendation for all conditions, the paper aims at providing all the key information relevant to the multiple-payload configurations towards the future determination of the best-practice guidance for GRUAN and other sites.
- v1.0 (2019-01-25)
Jauhiainen et al., Review of Multiple-payload Radiosonde Sounding Configurations for Determining Best-Practice Guidance for GRUAN Sites, GRUAN-TD-7, v1.0 (2019-01-25).