Availability of iMS-100 GRUAN Data Product Version 2


Available Data


The data availability status refers to the iMS-100 GRUAN data product (version 2). Currently we have three availability levels and all data we have received are ranked within these three categories:

Available (green):

All steps of processing have been successfully completed. The data file is available at NCDC (Link to the GRUAN FTP Server).

Unprocessed (yellow):

The raw data file has been successfully converted to a GRUAN standardized raw data file format (NetCDF). The processing itself is not done yet, or could not completed. Reason may be missing raw data, or bugs in the processing software.

Failed (red):

Raw data file could not be converted to a GRUAN standardized raw data file format (NetCDF). Reason may be a corrupt original raw data file, or bugs in the converting software.