For most sites this concerns the transition from RS92 to RS41, which replaces the RS92 as Vaisala's radiosonde for operational use. In addition, the Swiss GRUAN site of Payerne is now using the Meteolabor SRS-C50 as operational radiosonde as successor of the SRS-C34 model.
The involved sites and the date of the transition are listed below:
- Boulder (BOU-RS-01)
Change from Vaisala RS92-SGP to Vaisala RS41-SGP on 2017-01-04
- Cabauw (CAB-RS-01, De Bilt launch site)
Change from Vaisala RS92-SGP to Vaisala RS41 on 2017-01-17 00 UTC
- Lauder (LAU-RS-01)
Change from Vaisala RS92-SGP to Vaisala RS41-SGP on 2017-02-15 21 UTC
- Lauder (LAU-RS-02, Invercargill launch site)
Operational Vaisala RS41-SG launches in GRUAN data flow since 2016-09-10 (change from RS92 to RS41 a few months before)
- Lindenberg (LIN-RS-01)
Change from Vaisala RS92-SGP to Vaisala RS41-SGP on 2017-03-21 18 UTC
- Ny-Ålesund (NYA-RS-01)
Change from Vaisala RS92-SGP to Vaisala RS41-SGP on 2017-04-01 12 UTC
- Payerne (PAY-RS-01)
Change from MeteoLabor SRS-C34 to MeteoLabor SRS-C50 on 2017-02-01
- Potenza (POT-RS-01)
Change from Vaisala RS92-SGP to Vaisala RS41 in the beginning of 2017
To ensure data homogeneity and proper management of this change, intercomparison studies are ongoing to characterize the differences between the old and the new radiosonde types. This will guarantee that the data series for these sites comply with the GRUAN standards for high quality reference observations.