Building on existing observational networks and capabilities, GRUAN is now a global network consisting of 26 sites that provide long-term, high quality measurements of the atmospheric above the Earth’s surface. To celebrate this important milestone, the annual ICM meeting was opened with an official address given by Martina Münch, Brandenburg’s minister for Science, Research & Culture, Markus Rex, head of the Climate Sciences, Atmospheric physics of AWI, and Paul Becker, vice-president of DWD. Transcript of the speeches of Martina Münch and Paul Becker can be found here. Finally, Peter Thorne, chair of the Working Group on GRUAN and member of the GCOS Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) presented the highlights of the important steps that through the last 10 years have brought GRUAN to successfully accomplished its envisioned goals.
The 10th anniversary of the establishment of GRUAN