Norman, Oklahoma, USA
02nd March - 04th March 2009
- US Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program Climate Research Facility (ACRF)
- ACRF Southern Great Plains (SGP) Site
- Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)
- U.S. GCOS Program Office at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) [financial support]
- NOAA's Climate Program Office (CPO) [financial support]
- GCOS Secretariat [logistics support]
- Doug Sisterson (ARM programme)
- Holger Vömel (Head Lead Centre)
- Peter Thorne (Chair, Working Group)
- Stephan Bojinski (GCOS Secretariat)
- Howard Diamond (NOAA/NCDC)
- Bill Murray (NOAA/CPO)
- Chris Miller (NOAA/CPO)
Over-arching goals of this workshop:
- Agree on the mode of operation of GRUAN
- Agree on actions to gain support from the scientific community, sponsors, and funding agencies
- Report of the First GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-1) (GCOS-131)
- Documents supporting individual agenda items.