Outcomes of the GRUAN Network Expansion Workshop
Greg Bodeker, Anna Mikalsen, Xavier Calbet, Mi-chael Kurylo, William Lahoz, Karen Rosenlof,
Thomas August, Bill Bell, Stephan Bojinski, BojanBojkov, Andrew Charlton-Perez, Domenico Cimini,Belay Demoz, Rudd Dirksen, Tim Hewison, DaleHurst, Anthony Illingworth, Philippe Keckhut, RaoKotamarthi, Thierry Leblanc, Ulrich Löhnert, CraigLong, Fabio Madonna, Gelsomina Pappalardo,Thomas Peter, Tony Reale, Carl Schreck, MarcSchröder, Dian Seidel, Michael Sommer, David Tan,Anne Thompson, Peter Thorne, Holger Vömel, JuneWang, Elizabeth Weatherhead, David Whiteman
v1.0 (2014-11-03)
A GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) workshop to develop network design and expansion criteria was held in Fürstenwalde, Germany, from 13 to 15 June 2012. GRUAN’s goal is to provide reference-quality measurements of upper-air Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) to meetthe needs of the climate research and monitoring communities and to fill a void in the globalobserving system. Upper-air observations at sites within the GRUAN network provide long-term, high-quality, error-characterized climate records designed to serve GRUAN’s primary user communities.
The vision for a fully implemented GRUAN is an expanded network eventually comprising 35-40 sites. This expansion must be carefully planned to most effectively advance GRUAN’s scientific objectives. The purpose of this workshop was to understand the network design requirements to meet the needs of four primary users of GRUAN data, i.e.:
This report summarizes the key outcomes of that workshop.
Bodeker et al., Outcomes of the GRUAN NetworkExpansion Workshop, GRUAN-RP-4, v1.0 (2014-11-03).