Establishing Data Products For New Radiosondes inGRUAN
Holger Vömel, Michael Sommer and Ruud Dirksen
v1.0 (2013-07-08)
GRUAN sets high standards on all instrumentation used within GRUAN to measure essential climatevariables. A central requirement is quantifying the measurement uncertainty and documentingthe procedures to arrive at the final data product.
This document describes the information needed to generate a GRUAN data product using radiosondesand the studies and tests that may be needed to generate this information.
M. Sommer, Renamed as GRUAN Technical Note 1 (GRUAN-TN-1);Including comments from a first review of TT Radiosonde
M. Sommer, Reformatted as GRUAN Technical Document; First draft version
H. Vömel, Re-structured document
M. Sommer, First document