GRUAN in the service of GSICS: Using reference groundbased profile measurements to provide traceable radiance calibration for spacebased radiometers
Tradowsky, J. and Greg Bodeker; Peter Thorne; Fabien Carminati; William Bell
by GSICS Quarterly (GSICS) at 2016-07
The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper -Air Network (GRUAN) comprises 24 sites that measure vertical profiles of essential climate variables (ECVs) such as temperature, pressure, and water vapour.
Tradowsky, J. and Greg Bodeker; Peter Thorne; Fabien Carminati; William Bell; GRUAN in the service of GSICS: Using reference groundbased profile measurements to provide traceable radiance calibration for spacebased radiometers, GSICS Quarterly Newsletter, 10(2), doi:10.7289/V5GT5K7S, 2016.