News of network, community and related science

METZ paper Philipona et al. 2020
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at METZ: "Balloon-borne radiation measurements demonstrate radiative forcing by water vapor and…

ICM-12 Virtual: 16-20 November 2020
The 12th GRUAN annual Implementation and Coordination Meeting, ICM-12, took place 16-20 November 2020 as virtual meeting.
All presentations and…

AMT paper Fassò et al. 2020
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at AMT: "Interpolation uncertainty of atmospheric temperature profiles" by Fassò et al.…

Special issue of MDPI Atmosphere on GRUAN
The open access journal MDPI Atmosphere will have a special issue on GRUAN:

Document Software
GRUAN Technical Note 11 published
GRUAN Technical Note 11 (GRUAN-TN-11) published with title "Brief Description of GruanToolRs92 (gt92)"

RS paper Newman et al. 2020
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at RS: "Assessment of New Satellite Missions within the Framework of Numerical Weather Prediction" by…

ESSDD paper Madonna et al. 2020 in review
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at ESSDD: "Radiosounding HARMonization (RHARM): a new homogenized dataset of radiosounding…

JC paper Steiner et al. 2020
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at JC: "Observed Temperature Changes in the Troposphere and Stratosphere from 1979 to 2018" by…

GRUAN reaches 30 site mark - First GRUAN site in Africa
With the addition of two more sites GRUAN has grown to 30 sites. At the same time it also marks the establishment of the first GRUAN site on African…

GI paper Dirksen et al. 2020
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at GI: "Managing the transition from Vaisala RS92 to RS41 radiosondes within the Global Climate…

Document Software
GRUAN Technical Note 6 published
GRUAN Technical Note 6 (GRUAN-TN-6) published with title "Brief Description of GruanToolRsLaunch (gtRsl)"

AMT paper Madonna et al. 2020
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at AMT: "Use of automatic radiosonde launchers to measure temperature and humidity profiles from the…

AMTD paper Graf et al. 2020 in review
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at AMTD: "Compact and Lightweight Mid-IR Laser Spectrometer for Balloon-borne Water Vapor…

AMTD paper Fassò et al. 2020 in review
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at AMTD: "Interpolation uncertainty of atmospheric temperature radiosoundings" by Fassò et al.…

METZ paper Gierens et al. 2020
The following GRUAN-relevant paper was published at METZ: "On ice supersaturation over the Arctic" by Gierens et al.…